Employee Details

Anup Jordon
HR (Information Technologies)

Reporting Manager:   Tony Singh Stark Employee Code:   AJ@123 Date Of Joining:  August 30, 2015 Date Of Birth:  June 23, 1996 Gender:   Male Marital Status: Unmarried

Contact Details

  9837283482   anup@yopmail.com Address:  Corenthum Noida

Emergency Contact Details

Name:  Ajay   7283899849 Relation:  Mother Name:  QA   9985885858 Relation:  Brother Blood Group:  A+ Remark: 


our technician will contact you shortly regarding the rectification of the same.our technician will contact you shortly regarding the rectification of the same.our technician will contact you shortly regarding the rectification of the same.our tec...


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